We play a number of shooters like Battlefield and Call of Duty, we have a Tank Company in World of Tanks, and we enjoy race and flight sims. We have many DaDs who play RTS, MMOs such as Guild Wars 2 and others, even virtual golf! We are an adult, parent only gaming community. The original game may have changed but the values, spirit, and camaraderie of the DaDs lives on with our proud history. The DaDs Army members have access to private voice communications channels within our Discord Server, guaranteed slots on hosted game servers, as well as our challenging inter-clan league. Not to mention the occasional challenge from other clans.

The DaDs Army clan is strictly for parents only. While there is a definite focus on DaDs, interested moms are welcome too, because sexism has no place within The DaDs Army! Gaming experience and skill is not the most important factor in gaining admission to The Dads Army. However, being a cool DaD is. The DaDs Army has been known to get together on occasion. We understand life schedules, family responsibilities, and those kids in our lives prevent many from attending such an event. Our primary goal is to have fun and with the clan we've assembled to date, that is exactly what we're doing. Think you have what it takes? It does not matter if you are from North America or Europe.


Back in 2002 The DaDs Army was one of the first clans featured on EA's community website. In order to preserve this piece of our history the interview content has been captured in a screenshot. The original article was hosted on the EA clan showcase website. While the site has gone away, here is a link to the original article

We also have a strong media presence on several social platforms.
The DaDs Army Subreddit
The DaDs Army Facebook Group
The DaDs Army on Twitter
The DaDs Army on Youtube

Rules and Regulations
of The DaDs Army

These should not be a surprise to most, they have been with us in one form or another since the clan was formed via the charter. These are not set in stone, they are a living document that will be updated as needed and are subject to be changed at any time as we see fit.

To present a family oriented gaming environment friendly to all abilities of players that abide by the server rules. Additionally the DaDs strive to foster personal relations among DaDs through league competition, charity events, other special events on gaming servers, and get-togethers / LAN parties of DaDs, family, and friends.

Being a [DaDs] member is conditional upon being a parent, respect of the clan rules, and the desire to have a good time. Members are encouraged to donate to the clan when and as they can. Donations are put towards supporting the DaDs organization which includes our domain names, servers for teamspeak, website & forums, as well as any gaming servers we are running for the DaDs community. From a historical perspective dues have been required in the past but in 2015 we moved to a donation only platform. Should there be a need that can’t be met via donation HQ would inform the members of a need to move back to a dues platform. Each DaDs Army member has the option to bring their kids and or wife into the community. The child (if old enough) and mom must be registered on the DaDs website beforehand. A request must be sent to HQ for a member’s child to gain access to teamspeak and forums. If mom would like to be a part of the clan she must send her request to HQ indicating a desire to be a part of our clan, and wear the DaDs tags. As a member of The DaDs Army, being part of another clan and wearing another clan's tags is strictly prohibited. New members will be provided the rules before their acceptance of DaDs tags. Failure to follow rules may ultimately result in revocation of membership by HQ at its sole discretion with no guarantee of dues reimbursement. Any DaDs member that leaves in good standing is welcome to return in the future.

Once a person is admitted to the DaDs community they are obligated to wear the clans tags whenever they are gaming, even if they are gaming on another clan’s server. This shows our pride in our group and promotes the group to others who may have an interest in joining our merry band. The proper set up for the tags looks exactly like this including the brackets. [DaDs]

HQ will consist of 3 members and are ultimately responsible for management of the clan and its resources. HQ will determine policy and actions between members of HQ, with input from clan officers and the clan as a whole based upon the situation. HQ is responsible for collecting dues from members through an appointed Treasury Officer and using such funds for the benefit of The DaDs Army. HQ will delegate authority and responsibility to individuals to lessen the burden on HQ, but reserves the right to revoke if authority is not properly administered. HQ ultimately has the discretion to act in what it believes the best interest of the clan, considering input from members.

ins work with HQ to determine and execute policy. Captains are chosen by HQ. Captains are kept informed of the actions of the clan for discussion and feedback. Captains should act for the interests of their community and not themselves. A Captain is an officer of The DaDs Army and represents the entire clan.

Treasury Officer
HQ will designate a DaDs member to handle the financial responsibility of membership dues and manage The DaDs Army bank account. The Treasurer is an officer of The DaDs Army and represents the entire clan even though their primary responsibility is financial.

League Officer
HQ will designate a DaDs member to handle the the planning and organizing of DaDs League events. The League Officer communicates with the Captains and HQ to make DaDs League happen. The League Officer is an officer of The DaDs Army and represents the entire clan even though their primary responsibility is community competition.

Server Admins
HQ delegates at its own discretion to chosen individuals the authority to establish and manage the servers for The DaDs Army.

Game Servers
The DaDs Army will acquire gaming servers through HQ for the members of the clan. Type of games servers will be determined based upon member interest and need. HQ has server access and delegates access to server admin DaDs as required. It is prohibited for non-HQ members to host their own servers with the DaDs tags or name The DaDs Army in their server title or information, without the express permission of HQ.

Code of Conduct
Above all else, DaDs are here to have fun. To maintain this environment there are a minimum set of actions asked of DaDs:
1. DaDs will not harass or make personal attacks against other DaDs on the forums or servers for any reason. Smack talk and bragging is allowed, but member abuse of any type is not allowed.
2. DaDs will not harass or make attacks against public players on the forums or servers for their abilities, names, or comments. Unless you are familiar with a player personally, please do not talk smack to them, it may be offensive.
3. Foul language should not be used during gaming. As a family friendly server we need to maintain minimum standards.
4. DaDs will not divulge personal information about other DaDs to persons outside The DaDs Army unless expressly given permission by said DaDs member. This includes names, email, mailing address, or anything else you may feel hesitant to share with the world.
5. Those given special duties and assignments are doing so to lessen the burden on HQ, and benefit the community. If at anytime HQ feels they are failing to fulfill the requirements, they will be relieved of that duty.
6. [DaDs] Tags are to be worn at all times on all servers.
7. Those that leave the DaDs in good standing are always welcome to return.
8. Under no circumstance while a member of The DaDs Army shall [DaDs] tags be replaced by another clan's tags. Cross membership in multiple gametype clans is strictly prohibited. You are either a DaDs member that plays as a DaD, or not but you cannot be in multiple gametype clans.
9. Use of comms is limited to DaDs, KiDs and designated DaDs Friends. Be forewarned, unlike in-game-chat, the language used may be more colorful. This is a private side to The DaDs Army for members to express themselves. This does not exclude the rule that foul language should not be used during gaming. Try to keep it clean! Parents are warned, access for KiDs at their own risk. DaDs are asked to be on better behavior when KiDs are in the channels. HQ cannot provide 24 hour censoring.
10. Forums are a manner to communicate with many at once, share thoughts, experiences, and joke around. Attacks against DaDs and other derogatory posts will be promptly deleted. Yes, bragging and bickering will continue.
11. The use of comms, shout box, and message forums provide DaDs with the means to communicate colorfully at times. However, It is not a license to swear, make racial or gender biased comments, or comments regarding sexual orientation. Discussing religion or politics on our server is prohibited. These topics can lead to strong opposing views which lead to an uncomfortable environment for our members. While communicating all members should be considerate to their fellow DaDs.
12. Comments made while wearing DaDs clan tags reflect on the clan wherever you play. Please act the same as you would on our servers.
13. Comments made through RCON should be for control of the server only. This is the most visible reflection of the clan, its temperament, and attitude for public players. Action of the CONSOLE is an action for the clan. You are controlling the server as an agent of the clan, please do not abuse.
While not required, HQ hopes that if you see individuals acting in poor taste you report it to HQ or a clan officer. Their actions affect not only themselves, but reflect on each member of The DaDs Army.

Recourse for Breach of Rules
Action may include removal of special duties, suspension from league, suspension from special events, loss of comms privileges, loss of forums privileges, loss of officer status, and ultimately removal from the clan. These actions do not wish to be utilized by HQ, but will be used at the sole discretion of HQ to maintain the image of the clan and keep peace between members.

Kicking and Banning Rules
Lets all follow these basic guidelines on kicking and banning:
1. Give the offender at least 1 warning. You can do this: In game by posting a message, telling the person in game, or having another DaDs member that is on that persons team to tell them in game.
2. Optional, but a good practice to follow, after the warning and a kick is required, inform the offender that they are getting kicked.
3. Kick player for x number of minutes or hours.
4. Let HQ know player's name and reason for getting kicked and if a ban is in order. HQ will ban any offender that needs to be banned.

HQ reserves the right to modify these rules at any time and at its sole discretion.

Contact Us

Please send a friend requst via Discord to any of the following if you have an inquiry about us.

wise#9858 - Wise
Jadefalcon#5270 - Jadefalcon
Kegaro#4282 - Kegaro
RacerX#4252 - RacerX
robbthebruce#9233 - Robbthebruce
Or alternatively you can find us at the following socials:

You can visit the public channel of our discord by clicking here.

Once there feel free to reach out to any of the members above to gain access or speak about the community!


Apply for membership

Want to be a DaDs member? You're in the right place!

This clan is strictly for parents only. After all, what is an elite squad without bold-faced elitism? And while there is a definite focus on dads, interested mums are welcome, because sexism has no place within The DaDs Army.
You stand a better chance of getting in if you are seen in our game servers and on our forums interacting with the DaDs. Have a quick look at the Rules and Regulations of the DaDs Army to familiarize yourself a bit with how things run around here. Also don't forget to review the About Us link as well. If you have any questions before you get started feel free to contact us via Discord.
Some other things that have no place within our ranks are:
Little snot-nosed punks with bad attitudes.
Bad Language
Cheating or exploits of any kind
No discussion about religion
No discussion about politics

The things we DO promote are:
Competitive Spirit!
Friendly banter and general friendly smack talk!
But above all else we all want to just have fun playing alongside other parents and their kids.

In order to ensure that only genuine child-rearing individuals become members, skill-testing questions are mandatory. Please note that first-person shooter, simulated driving and flying, and general clicking the mouse like a mad-man skills are NOT as important as the aforementioned criteria. Then again, it would be nice.

Oh, one last thing before you get started with the application form. The DaDs Army does not keep the lights on the server blinking for free. This is a private community of parent gamers and we encourage, but do not require, our members to donate to the clan, when they can to help out with expenses. When your application for membership is accepted you earn the [DaDs] tags designation in-game and throughout our message forum. (Note: members are obligated to wear their [DaDs] tags at all times when gaming, even if you are gaming on another clans server.) You obtain full access to our website and private DaDs only Discord channels, and are allowed to compete in DaDs events. Most importantly you become a member of a great private community of gaming adults with core values that keep out the punks and deliver a unique gaming experience you can be safe to bring your family into. Don't worry if you're not perfect. We aren't either. That's what makes our clan a fun place to be a part of.

Once we receive your application we will get back to you with details on how to connect with us. As a new recruit you will go into probation status and have access to our Discord server so you can get to know other DaDs and let us evaluate you too. After two weeks if all goes well you'll earn your [DaDs] tags and full access to our community.

And now onto the important forms!
Powered byEMF Web Form



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
